E3 Journal of Business Management and Economics
Table of Content: November 2011 ; 2 (5)
Review Article
Kazi Abdur Rouf
Green microfinance promoting green enterprise development
[ Abstract] [ Full Article - PDF] pp. 183-191Research articles
Jamshed Khan Khattak, Muhammad Arslan, Muhammad Umair
SMEs’ export problems in Pakistan
[ Abstract] [ Full Article - PDF] pp. 192-199S. Thanuskodi
The use of ICT in government law college libraries in Tamil Nadu: A study
[ Abstract] [ Full Article - PDF] pp. 200-208Trending Articles
Aina Olayinka Christopher
Md. Mehedi Zaman Mithun
P. Mburu
Eguolo May Vanni, Freeman Oghenerume Orubu, Emmanuel Agbavwe
Kamilia Loukil
Oboreh Lucky Edafetano
Mpho Raboloko
Onoriode Humphery, Orubu Oghenerume Freeman
Nourhene BLIBECH, Sarra Berraies
Kolawole Opeyemi OLAWOLE, Temidayo Oyeyemi ADEBAYO
E-marketing and the hotel business promotion: Prospect and challenges in selected hotels in Ado-Ekiti, Nigeria
Md. Mehedi Zaman Mithun
Regional development planning and disparity in Bangladesh
P. Mburu
Resolving the disconnect between market actors, agents and brokers and small-holder fresh produce farmers in Agribusiness
Eguolo May Vanni, Freeman Oghenerume Orubu, Emmanuel Agbavwe
Capital market liberalisation and capital formation: Time-Series evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa
Kamilia Loukil
Impact of entrepreneurial activity on technological innovation in emerging and developing countries
Oboreh Lucky Edafetano
Problems and prospects of project execution in Nigeria: a study of construction companies operating in Delta state
Mpho Raboloko
Services sector and economic growth in Botswana
Onoriode Humphery, Orubu Oghenerume Freeman
SMES financing and its effects on Nigerian economic growth
Nourhene BLIBECH, Sarra Berraies
The impact of CEO΄ duality and board΄s size and independence on firms΄ innovation and financial performance
Kolawole Opeyemi OLAWOLE, Temidayo Oyeyemi ADEBAYO