E3 Journal of Business Management and Economics
E3 Journal of Business Management and Economics Vol. 2 (5) pp. 192-199, November 2011; © E3 Journals; ISSN 2141-7482
SMEs’ export problems in Pakistan
Jamshed Khan Khattak * , Muhammad Arslan , Muhammad UmairMohammad Ali Jinnah University Islamabad, Pakistan;Tel: +92 091-4445183, +92 333-5169590; Fax: +92 091-9256187
*Corresponding Author E-mail: jktkgaju@gmail.com
Accepted 10 October 2011
The aim of this study is to explore the current export challenges for SMEs in Pakistan and how these barriers affect the SMEs. One industry (textile) was selected for this study. 25 textile SMEs were selected for data collection. A structured interview was conducted for every SME. Each interview took 30 minutes. Findings of this study showed that internal barriers are more influential than external barriers. This study is limited to one industry i.e. textile industry. This study disseminates the attention of SMEs export managers towards the genuine and main problems coming across the SME exports so they can deal with these barriers to magnify their exports as internal barriers are more controllable as compared to external barriers. This study offers insights into SME export barriers in a (relatively under-researched) Pakistani context.
Keywords: SMEs; Export Barriers; Textile.
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