Partial Purification of α-amylase Expressed by a Tropical Mutant Strain of Aspergillus niger IFE 08; Comparative study of bacteriological analysis in hawked suya meat and suya meat on a Barbeque stand
E3 Journal of Microbiology Research

Table of Content: January 2017 ; 3 (1)

Research Articles

Adejuwon AO, Adedayo O, Olutiola PO, Segal SJ
Partial Purification of α-amylase Expressed by a Tropical Mutant Strain of Aspergillus niger IFE 08

[ Abstract]  [ Full Article - PDF]  pp. 001-004

Orogu JO, Oshilim AO
Comparative study of bacteriological analysis in hawked suya meat and suya meat on a Barbeque stand

[ Abstract]  [ Full Article - PDF]  pp. 005-008

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