E3 Journal of Environmental Research and Management
Table of Content: April 2017 ; 8 (1)
Research Articles
Khemmoudj kaddour, Merabet Smail
Assessment of heavy metal pollution due to the Lead –Zinc mine at the Ain Azel area (northeast of Algeria)
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18685/EJERM(8)1_EJERM-16-019[ Abstract] [ Full Article - PDF] pp. 001-011
Eloundou Jules André
Decentralization of forestry management in Cameroon
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18685/EJERM(8)1_EJERM-17-010[ Abstract] [ Full Article - PDF] pp. 012-019
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Assessment of heavy metal pollution due to the Lead –Zinc mine at the Ain Azel area (northeast of Algeria)
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