Services sector and economic growth in Botswana; Problems and prospects of project execution in Nigeria: a study of construction companies operating in Delta state; Impact of entrepreneurial activity on technological innovation in emerging and developing countries; Capital market liberalisation and capital formation: Time-Series evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa
E3 Journal of Business Management and Economics

Table of Content: April 2013 ; 4 (4)

Research Articles

Taein Kwon, Sanghyo Lee, Jaejun Kim
The characteristics of changes in construction companies to become insolvent by size following macroeconomic fluctuations
[ Abstract]  [ Full Article - PDF]  pp. 082-092

Yosra Mefteh Rekik, Younes Boujelbene
Tunisian IPOs underpricing and long-run underperformance: Highlight and explanation
[ Abstract]  [ Full Article - PDF]  pp. 093-104

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