E3 Journal of Environmental Research and Management
E3 Journal of Environmental Research and Management Vol. 8 (1) pp. 012-019, April 2017; © E3 Journals; ISSN 2141-7466
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18685/EJERM(8)1_EJERM-17-010
Decentralization of forestry management in Cameroon
Eloundou Jules André 11 Department of History Faculty of Letters and Social Sciences University of Maroua Email:juleseloundou672@yahoo.fr
Accepted 18 February 2017
It was at the end of the Rio de Janeiro Summit of June 1992 that forestry legislation has undergone a real revolution in Cameroon. So, much innovation has been made thanks to the promulgation of Law n°94-01 of 20 January 1994 to lay down Forestry, Wildlife and Fisheries Regulations. Some of these innovations are the following: the creation of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, the creation of forest of council and community forests. Since sustainable development is a major concern to the Cameroon Government, the State has opted for the decentralization of forestry management.
Keywords: Forest−Management−Collectivities−Communities−Legislation−Decentralisation−Cameroon
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