Partial Purification of α-amylase Expressed by a Tropical Mutant Strain of Aspergillus niger IFE 08; Comparative study of bacteriological analysis in hawked suya meat and suya meat on a Barbeque stand

E3 Journal of Microbiology Research

E3 Journal of Microbiology Research Vol. 3 (1) pp. 005-008, January 2017; © E3 Journals

Comparative study of bacteriological analysis in hawked suya meat and suya meat on a Barbeque stand

Orogu JO1 * , Oshilim AO1
1 Department of Science Laboratory Technology, Delta State Polytechnic Ozoro, Delta State, Nigeria
*Corresponding Author E-mail:
Accepted 10 December 2016


Suya meat is a traditional meat that is commonly produced from beef although chicken can also be used. Suya meat were bought from two different vendors (hawker and the one on a barbeque stand) in two different location in Ozoro Delta State and was coded as A (suya meat on barbeque stand) and B (Hawked suya meat). Five bacterial species were isolated, in which three species were isolated from suya meat on Barbeque stand; Bacillus subtilis, Enterobacter aerogenes and Escherichia coli, while five species were isolated from hawked suya meat; Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus subtilis, Escherichia coli, Enterobacter aerogenes and Lactobacter species. The total heterotrophic plate count for both samples ranges from 4.0 x 104 – 6.0 x 104 CFU/Ml. Among samples, Enterobacter aerogenes and Bacillus subtilis (30%) has the highest percentage occurrence while Staphylococcus aureus and Lactobacter species (10%) have the least percentage occurrence in the samples. Judging by the result therefore, It is obvious that commercial suya product sold by hawkers are more contaminated with pathogenic bacteria than suya meat sold on barbeque stand and calls for connected efforts on the part of relevant authorities to check the trend since it is a public health concern.

Keywords: Suya meat, Barbeque stand, hawk, bacteriological, quality

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