E3 Journal of Environmental Research and Management
E3 Journal of Environmental Research and Management Vol. 7 (1) pp. 014-024, August 2016; © E3 Journals; ISSN 2141-7466
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18685/EJERM(7)1_EJERM-15-021
The degradation of fauna diversity and its socio-economic impact: The case of Ndop Central Sub-Division, N.W. Cameroon
Mphoweh Jude Nzembayie1 *1 Aalborg University – Denmark
*Corresponding Author E-mail: mphowehnzembayie@gmail.com
Accepted 1 January 2016
The need to protect the environment and biodiversity has often taken central stage in some major international conferences involving world leaders. Unfortunately, the high dependence on fauna diversity by humans through hunting and fishing as well as the competition for space has led to the extinction of fauna species in most local communities. N.C.S.D. is an example of a local community in the N.W. part of Cameroon which is no exception. Large scale landscape transformation in favor of agro-industrial rice farming led to wetland ecosystem destruction and intensification of hunting and fishing activities by a large migrant population. These resulted in biodiversity loss. The main question was therefore as follows: How has fauna degraded in N.C.S.D. and what are the socio-economic impacts? The methodology entailed qualitative interviews with 7 hunters from the region and consultation of secondary sources from archives. It was observed that the U.N.V.D.A. transformed over 3045 hectares of wetlands into rice fields and attracted over 7000 rice farmers into this region. Due to resulting habitat loss and pressure on the ambient ecosystem, most animal species were extinct. This led to the abandonment of hunting activities by most locals in favor of farming which unfortunately tends to fluctuate. There is therefore the need for adequate environmental policies in this region.
Keywords: Cameroon, fauna, environment, habitat loss
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