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E3 Journal of Business Management and Economics

E3 Journal of Business Management and Economics Vol. 4 (8) pp. 173-180, August 2013; © E3 Journals; ISSN 2141-7482

An empirical study of golfer group atmosphere, psychological contract and knowledge sharing

WU Kexiang1 * , ZHOU Pu1
1 Jinan University Golf Sports & Leisure Industry Research Center, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518053
*Corresponding Author E-mail:
Accepted 7 July 2013


According to the existing research, knowledge sharing can enhance interest and promote participation. This article aims to explore the relationship between golfer group atmosphere and knowledge sharing from the perspective of psychological contract. It adopts transactional contract and relational contract theories, two dimensions of psychological contract, as intermediary variables. The Analysis of Moment Structures (AMOS) tools, exploratory factor analysis and regression analysis are also involved to explore the relationship in Shenzhen golfer group. The conclusion is that the deeper emotion has been established among golfer group members, the more intense relational contracts will be found, and the easier knowledge sharing will be implemented. Besides, the more the members feel psychological reciprocal in the trade, the more mutual trust will be established, which can inspire more knowledge sharing behavior. This also indicates that the enhancement of transactional contract and relational contract will be able to promote Knowledge Sharing among members in leisure and sports groups.

Keywords: Golfer Group Atmosphere; Psychological Contract; Knowledge Sharing

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